Friday, January 13, 2012

To reduce the puffiness in aninstantDip a spoon in ice cold water andthen press the back of it againstyour under eye area,cheeks,chinand all those places where youwant to reduce the bloated look.Looking for the best eyeconcealer?Use the product that is thin, notthick and then build it on layers,patting each layer until you coveryour flaws.Donot rub theconcealer.Choose a blue basedconcealer for a better under eyecoverage. It will reflect light andmake the eyes look brighter. Ifyou have heavy dark circles thentry the yellow or orange basedconcealer as it will neutralize thedark area underneath your eyes.Keeping your Eyeliner intact allnightMix visene eye drops to your eyeliner. The viscous quality ofvisene makes the eye liner go oneasily and move moistly, whilehelping it to last longer.Glamour girl lookUse a shampoo that containsdimethicone copolyol, a volumebooster. And always put hairspray from underneath, whichgives the roots some extra lift.Get a sun kissed glow withoutthe sunUse a powdered face bronzer,but choose a shade in pinkybrown and avoid orange tones.To keep the look natural, use afat brush and feather it out intothe hairline, down under the jaw,and onto the neck.The biggest eyebrow mistake?Making them too thin or toodark.Fix a gaffe by choosing a powderbrush color in a shade or twolighter than your hair to create alook that is more natural. Top itwith a brow wax to keep thebrow neat and in place.What about duplicating thosebee- stung luscious lips?Instead of the lip plumpingproducts, just pick up a bottle ofordinary cinnamon oil. The oilbrings blood to the lips whichcause the plumping and theeffect lasts about three to fourhours. But before applying, takea patch test under your arm tocheck if you have oil allergies ornot.Get a soft and sophisticated glowIf you’re looking for a slightlylower wattage and a moresophisticated glow use a butterycream foundation that staysmoist on the skin. But beforebuying make sure to read thelabel carefully. If it says metallic,avoid it , if it says the foundationwill dry on the skin , it won’twork , it has to say cream orsoufflé on the label and have abuttery cream consistency thatstays moist, in order to get thatsoft glow.

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